Anakao Cruise

A fishing village on the Indian Ocean
Among the jewels of an MSC cruise to Southern Africa are the ports along the coast of Madagascar. During your holiday on an MSC ship, you will visit remote locations that will remain in your memory forever.
Anakao is probably everything you have always imagined an ideal village on the shore of the Indian Ocean to be: low houses, some shrubs, dry docked fishing boats with white sails, kilometre-long white sand beaches, and turquoise waves breaking on the foreshore.
When you disembark at Anakao, you will find a port full of laid-back fishermen. They will lead you by the hand through a discovery of the most beautiful beaches just a short distance from this magnificent location. Among the excursions offered by MSC Cruises, we recommend those focusing on Madagascar’s natural beauty. It is an island singular in its biodiversity: during prehistoric times, it was home to unique animals such as the dwarf hippopotamus, the fossil remain of which have been found on the island; while today, it is the kingdom of the Lemuridae family, the large-eyed primates with the curious striped black and white tails.
South of Anakao, a must-take excursion will take you to the Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, a natural reserve for Madagascar’s endemic species that has been officially protected for over fifty years. The lake of the same name, the existence of which is a true miracle considering how rarely it rains in this part of the world, is home to a large colony of pink flamingos. Characteristic not only for its animals (especially reptiles) but also for its expanses of spiny plants, baobab and sand dunes, it is so magical that just a single cruise will not be enough to fully appreciate it.