MSC Grand Tour | MSC Cruises

MSC Grand Tours

To book your MSC Grand Tour, please call our contact center 1-833-253-9978

Terms & Conditions

  • Cancellation of one single cruise included in the package will be not allowed, as the package has to be considered indivisible
  • Any changes/cancellation requested by the Passenger on a Grand Tour shall always apply to the whole Package. All the relevant time limits run from the scheduled date of departure of the first Cruise of the Grand Tour
  • The product will be not combinable with BROCHURE PROMOTIONS / MSC Voyagers Club discount
  • The Laundry discount will be not combinable with other similar discounts and with onboard packages Regular or Express
  • The Restaurant & Bar Drink Package discount will be not combinable with other similar discounts
  • Local terms and conditions will be apply in addition to the above