Book your cruise and get a “Thank you” discount up to 10% off the cruise fare
Available for selected MSC Cruises’ sailings of any duration (MSC WORLD CRUISES excluded)
Select your cruise and book by MSC Contact Centre or Travel Agent.
Today, the world is finding a new balance.
But the selfless dedication of healthcare workers over the past years will be forever in our minds.
To you who spares no effort to care for others, in recognition of your hard work of yesterday, today and tomorrow, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you from our family to yours.
Today, and always.
To book just call your local MSC Cruises Call Centre or your travel agent.

ELIGIBLE for the promo
- All Doctors/Nurses/Front line and back office workers employed in the Hospital facilities (eg. Hospital/clinics/Covid-19 centres), who have been directly or indirectly impacted by the Covid Emergency
- Other related jobs to Hospital services (e.g. Cleaning service staff) only if directly hired by the Hospitals, not from private companies
- Family Doctors
- Firefighters
- Pharmacists operating during the pandemic
- Private Doctors and medical figures not employed in hospital facilities ONLY IF their specialization is directly related to COVID-19 diseases (eg. Doctors specialized in pneumology, virologists)
- Healthcare Volunteers (Ambulance, Social services) who offered their support during the Covid-19 emergency
- Retired doctors who were called back to service to give support during the pandemic
- Research Laboratories employees only if they specifically perform COVID-19 tests
It is mandatory to provide a certification which can prove to be eligible for the promo.
Valid proof of service has to be sent at the moment of the booking: copy of the ID card of the company/hospital where the passenger is employed, certificate or other official identification. Proof of service has to be brought also at embarkation.
NOT ELIGIBLE for the promo
- Private Doctors/medical staff not employed with hospital facilities and whose specialization are not directly related to Covid-19 (e.g. dentists, orthopedics, dermatologists etc)
- Any other jobs related to Hospital activities but hired by private companies (such as private cleaning services company, securities or external suppliers)
- Retired medical staff
- Researchers working in laboratories which perform general medical examinations

Terms and conditions
• The offer is valid for select sailings (MSC WORLD CRUISES excluded) and it is subject to availability at the time of the reservation.
• The Offer is applicable only to first and second guest in the cabin.
• The Offer is Valid for individual travelers bookings only.
• The offer is not retroactive and valid for new bookings only. And can only be applied within 24 hours.
• Discount is per cabin and applicable to the cruise portion only.
• Discount is Not Combinable with any other discount, including MSC Voyagers Club Members.
• Special, Aggressive & other promotions dedicated to specific partners, are excluded.
• The Health worker must be part of the reservation, otherwise the discount may not be applied (example: we don’t grant discount to a doctor’s son if the doctor himself is not travelling).
• If two or more cabins are booked, the discount will be applied only to the cabin the Health worker occupies.
• the same Health worker may book even more that one cruise, but he/she needs to be personally travelling.
• In case of single cabins, standard single supplement will apply.
• Standard terms and conditions will apply unless special conditions are granted at the moment of the reservation (i.e. new flexible commercial policy).